Tuesday 9 September 2008

Teach Your MlM Team to Fish

There is a saying that you hear every now and again, it is"Give a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."

What a saying as MlM business owners we need to grasp his concept and teach it. We need go grow a team that will feed its self.If not you will need to spoon feed your team for life. That defeats the concept of mlm. We need to teach, to teach, so that the process continues. We have all heard this time and time again but it does not actually happen as we would like.

When I was younger I was involved in a church, at times you wanted to bang your head against a brick wall, people would never change. You would hear people talking about "Tradition" They could not see that tradition is important but sometimes we need to change with the times, or the congregation starts to fall.

Can you imagine if Newspaper journalists refused to accept computers and said they would not use them. They could not work in the field of journalism at any good level. We need to accept that change can be good and it keeps things fresh.

The area of mlm has not changed, it is basically the same as it as always been. The principles are basically the same, what has changed is the way you have to go about your business. The internet has led to the greatest change and it will continually evolve so we also need to.

Many leaders in mlm are the same they learned the business in the past and they were good and to some extentthe methods used in the past still work. But there are methods at our feet which mean we can recruit people around the world as we sleep. But, (There is always a but) ,it is not easy, it is hard work, it can be done for free but there is still a cost. That cost is time.

Once you have taught your team the latest methods you need to be keeping upto date with the latest developments, then pass them on to your team. It is becoming more popular in industry andis call cascade training. Teach a few and it will pass through your organisation.

I hope you are now beginning to see a system appearing.

  1. Research the latest Techniques,
  2. Put them into practice,
  3. Teach the techniques
Back to point one.

This is what our acton taker team do and pass on the techniques we learn. Some people are recruiting 20+ people a day and passing the techniques on. It is motivating to see your team grow like this it is like watching your child mature.

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